
Thank you for visiting the Frisco Pride website. Protecting the personal information of individuals who use our website is a priority of Frisco Pride. If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please send us feedback.

We have tried to keep our privacy policy simple, and the following outlines what we collect, and what we do with that information.


You agree and acknowledge that registration is required in order for a user to create an account and utilize the Frisco Pride website. You agree to provide accurate, complete and current information about yourself in all required fields. Users are required to update any information submitted if a change occurs. Frisco Pride reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate a user account if it suspects that the submitted information is incomplete, inaccurate or misleading.


You acknowledge that Frisco Pride website currently utilizes a tiered account structure which complies with local law, including the Children’s Online Protection Privacy Act (COPPA) which restricts children under the age of 13 from registering.

Types of user accounts:

  • Anonymous: Frisco Pride does not allow non-registered users to submit responses to other posts anonymously. Anonymous users may view public content, and provide feedback through the website.
  • User Accounts: These accounts have access to all member features for the site. Users are responsible for regulating the content of their personal information. User accounts have two options: registered user and member. A user initially becomes a registered user when information has been verified. “Member” status is limited to individuals that have been approved by the Frisco Pride Board of Directors.


Frisco Pride will not give out your information to the general public. If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please send your questions and/or concerns to Frisco Pride.


As a resource, Frisco Pride offers links to other useful sites on the Internet. If you follow any link that takes you to a location that does not include ‘’ in the address, you will have left Frisco Pride website and you will need to refer to that site’s own privacy policy.