Here is a brief summary of some of the main historical milestones and highlights of Frisco Pride’s history.
1999: formed as Gay Frisco and designed to connect other gay men and women in the area for social activities.
2000: renamed to Frisco Pride. FP used a mailing list primarily to help connect others in the area to plan and organize social activities, as well as support those that lived in the area. The first of the Frisco Pride Pot Luck Dinners began in 2001-2002.
2001 onward: Friday Night Socials started with our regular meetings in Plano (as there was nothing really available in Frisco). This weekly activity continued to grow through 2005 with 20+ people showing up for our coffee nights and larger numbers for our pot luck dinners. 2003-2007: Frisco Pride provides volunteers for the City of Frisco’s “Freedom Fest” and “Merry Main Street” and is recognized by the Mayor for our involvement.
2002: Frisco Pride representatives addressed Frisco City Council on the exclusion of a recommended change to the City Charter that would have added “sexual orientation” to the non-discrimination clause. Yes, you read that right. The members of the City Charter Commission had recommended to include the words sexual orientation in our city charter all the way back in 2002 (it didn’t happen). Members of Frisco Pride continued to engage with City Council on this issue.
2002: Frisco Pride mailing list exceeds 250 members.
2002-2003: Frisco Pride members joined with other community activists as founding members of the Collin County Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CCGLA).
2003: Frisco Pride joins CCGLA, HOMAGE, Interweave in the Dallas Pride Parade to increase our visibility among the LGBTQ community.
2005: Frisco Pride was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the State of Texas.
2005: Frisco Pride signs on as a collaborative partner with the “No Nonsense in November” (NNIN) campaign to reject the amendment to the Texas Constitution that defined marriage as between “one man and one woman.” Frisco Pride members engage in a local collaboration as “Texans United” to support the work of NNIN. The “don’t judge your sin, by the color of our skin” campaign led by African-American churches and groups becomes a prominent voice against the LGBTQ community.
2006: Frisco Pride enters LifeWalk raising funds for HIV/AIDS community dedication and awareness.
2007: Frisco Pride member Chris Moss, runs for City Council. Frisco churches and conservative groups/individuals remind us how anti-LGBT Frisco is.
2010: Frisco Pride participated in the City of Frisco’s “Complete Count Committee” as an organization. As part of this committee, Frisco Pride launched the “Come Out Come Out” Project and received funding from the City of Frisco and the US Census Bureau for promotional materials to encourage LGBTQ families to identify themselves on the 2010 Census (awarded approx. $3,000).
2014: Frisco Pride launched a collaborative group called Diversity Frisco to focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues in Frisco.
Over the course of the last number of years, Frisco Pride has continued to maintain a presence in our city, along with keeping our focus on social activities for our members and our allies. This includes an annual holiday party, where donations are solicited for local charities; organizing community service projects that have benefitted LGBTQ veterans in our city; and providing support (both financial and volunteer) for other community projects. Frisco Pride and our members have also provided assistance and support to individuals and families that have been victims of discrimination within our city, including awareness sessions given to the Frisco Police on LGBTQ issues.
In 2022, Frisco Pride continues to bring awareness of LGBTQ+ issues that impact our lives on a daily basis, and this year, in an effort to raise awareness and support for our LGBTQ+ citizens we have formally requested that a mayoral proclamation be made to honor Pride Month in June.
In 2023, Frisco Pride successfully established itself as a recognized charitable organization working towards our mission through support, education, and other charitable activities.