We Need Our Voice to be Included

Hello FP friends. While we try not to get too political with Frisco Pride, for those of you who have been members for a significant period of time, you may recall that we have attempted over the years to work with City Council and the ISD Board of Trustees to support various initiatives that would lead to greater inclusivity within our city. Recently, we became familiar with a new group that has been working with some community members that appeared to share our goal to make Frisco more inclusive. Over the past six weeks we have attempted to connect to and learn more from this group, sadly to know avail. It seems that this inclusion committee, which is made up of a small group of community members, does not have any representation from the LGBTQ community. We say “seems” as our requests for information on the composition of this group has gone unanswered.

What’s more, the council have determined that this group should take on the responsibility for the development of the purpose and role of an official committee or commission appointed by the city council, similar to other commissions that exist. Again, we have made numerous attempts to connect with this group as they develop this next step, and still we know very little – if anything. For such an important and historic moment in our city’s history, not having LGBTQ representation at the table during the formative stages is, and should be, a major concern.

Frisco Pride has existed since 1999, and has worked with our City and other community organizations over the years in volunteer and educational capacities. We have a long history as being the only LGBTQ organization in our city with a primary focus on Frisco. Now is not the time for our voice, and our input, to be ignored.

Unfortunately if we do not voice our opinion now, it will be too late and our fear is that the large number of members of Frisco Pride and our supporters including our allies will miss out on the opportunity to help form the mission and goals and help define what inclusion could mean in Frisco.

If you are interested in helping us to get a seat at the table as the development of this Committee takes place, please take a moment to send a quick email to our mayor and council, or to the recent appointed council liaison, Bill Woodard. I’m including contact emails and some text below that you could cut and paste along with any other words that you may wish to add. Feel free to edit any which way. Please adjust your email based on who you decide – if you decide – to send it to.

Email to mayorandcouncil@friscotexas.gov OR bwoodard@friscotexas.gov

Dear [Mayor and Council] or [Council Member Woodard]:

I am writing to you to applaud the City for taking a step towards committing to a more inclusive city by exploring the development of a possible Inclusion Committee or Commission that would report directly to Council. While the creation of this Committee would be a huge first step, the purpose and role of this Committee is where the City’s commitment to a more inclusive city will be the focus of many in our community, including myself.

As a supporter/member of the LGBTQ community in Frisco, I was disappointed to learn that multiple requests for information about the Mayor’s Ad-Hoc Inclusion Committee remains unanswered. It is a further concern that there is no representation from the LGBTQ community on the existing group. As the city continues the development of a City Committee/Commission, I am writing to you to ask that you make the commitment that any Inclusion Committee/Commission has representation from the LGBTQ community, not only after the Commission is established, but in the development of it’s purpose, mission, vision and goals. 

Again, I appreciate the council for taking this initiative, and I look forward to moving this forward with more diverse representation from our city’s residents participating.
